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Rooster Soup Co. is a Philly Kickstarter Looking to Help the Less Fortunate
If you haven’t checked out our feature story on Steve Cook from CookNSolo (Steve Cook and Mike Solomonov), then you may have not have heard about their Kickstarter for a new restaurant called “Rooster Soup Co.” Being that they have found great success in the Philly food scene with places such as Zahav, Federal Donuts, and Percy Street Barbecue, the dynamic duo figured out a way to give back to the city of brotherly love. Their plan is to open up a new restaurant called Rooster Soup Co. where all profits go directly to the Broad Street Ministry which in turn will provide food and social services to the less fortunate.
This awesome idea was spawned when Steve and Mike wanted to figure out the best way to utilize the unused chicken parts from Federal Donuts. Instead of paying someone to hull away quality chicken, they decided to open up Rooster Soup Co. to make excellent tasting soups and other chicken dishes and in turn help a great cause.
The Rooster Soup Co. Kickstarter reached their original goal of $150,000 with approximately 8 Days remaining at the time. Seeing that there was still plenty of days to spare, Steve and Mike decided to up the goal to $200,000. Currently there are 5 days remaining for their new goal.
Steve Seibel who is the Broad St, Ministry Chef was so committed to the Kickstarter that he pledged to to get a tattoo of the Rooster Soup Co. on is arm if they reached the original $150,000 goal. However, Chef Seibel might not be the only person with a rooster tattooed on them. Three members of the CookNSolo corporate team including Director of Operations Amy Henderson, Special Events Kari-Lee MacDonald, and Comm. Chief, FedNuts partner Felicia D’Ambrosio have all agreed to get the same Rooster Soup Co. logo tattoo if the new $200,000 goal is reached.
With about a week left on the clock CookNSolo not only reached their original goal they are now looking to demolish it. For more information on the Rooster Soup Co. or if you would like to contribute check out the information and video below: