The 2022 PHS Flower Show is Returning to FDR Park With a “Full Bloom” Theme
The 2022 PHS Flower Show is Returning to FDR Park With a “Full Bloom” Theme
The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) has announced the location, dates, and theme for its highly anticipated 2022 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show. “In Full Bloom” will take place in South Philadelphia’s Franklin Delano Roosevelt Park (FDR Park) from Saturday, June 11 through Sunday, June 19, 2022.
As the world evolves, the inherent beauty in nature restores us. One’s garden provides a place for healing and connection. The 2022 Philadelphia Flower Show, “In Full Bloom,” welcomes all as we journey to explore the restorative and healing power of nature and plants, while experiencing all that gardening offers to improve our lives. This year’s theme connotes good health, a positive well-being, and a passion for life that culminates in a gorgeous and colorful spectacle.
Guests will encounter outdoor gardens at the peak of seasonal perfection and beauty that will inspire everyone to plan for a better tomorrow.
In its second year hosting The Flower Show at FDR Park, PHS plans upgrades and enhancements based on feedback from guests, staff, and stakeholders. Guests will find improvements to several areas of the Show in order to deliver a high-quality customer experience, including parking, transportation, ticketing, and design. More details will be announced in the coming months and available at
FDR Park serves as the ideal location for the outdoor 2022 Flower Show. A registered historical district designed by famed landscape architects, the Olmsted Brothers in the early 20th century, FDR Park features impressive landscapes and architecture with walkable pathways, majestic trees, and breathtaking views. FDR Park is an inspiring venue that contributes to the splendor that the Flower Show is known for, while also being accessible by mass transit and car.
The decision to produce the 2022 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show outdoors was made to accommodate the continuing challenges and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. FDR Park’s spacious 15-acre footprint allows for social distancing and the associated health benefits of being outside. Public safety is a critical component for the upcoming Show, and adherence to recommendations from City/State health officials is paramount to Show planning. PHS will continue to work closely with health officials leading up to the Show with updated guidance available online.
“The decision to host the 2022 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show outdoors was based on the continuing evolution and uncertainty of COVID-19. ‘In Full Bloom’ is PHS’s celebration of how gardening and plants have helped people navigate these challenging times. We hope that by sharing the hope and healing that nature and gardening bring, it will inspire people to look towards a brilliant future,” said Sam Lemheney, PHS Chief of Shows & Events.
Each visitor who purchases a Flower Show ticket, attends a Flower Show special event, or becomes a PHS member contributes to PHS to further its community-driven work planting trees, supporting neighborhood greening, establishing community gardens, providing job training, managing public gardens, and connecting people with horticulture and one another.