Scoop of the Week
5 Simple Ways to Stay Healthy While Flying
5 Simple Ways to Stay Healthy While Flying
If you are traveling by plane then you know there are nothing but a craft of germs all over the air. From the tray table, to the blanket, the bathroom to even the person seating right next to you can cause you to easily get sick. Good news is that there are many products out there that can help you to have a healthy flight.
Anti-Bacterial Wipes
Anti-Bacterial Wipes are useful to clean surfaces such as your tray table, seat belts and arm rest. These wipes will kill about 99.99% of germs keeping your area clean and safe from germs.
Boost your immune system before entering the plane, take airborne. This helps support your immune system to become healthy so you wouldn’t get easily sick. Airborne is blended with vitamins, minerals, herbs and a blast of vitamin C to prevent you from getting sick from others.
Hand Sanitizer
Of course you need to wash your hands frequently but when soap and water are not within reach, hand sanitizer is good to keep your hands clean and germ free. Having hand sanitizer handy prevents the transmission of germs and is more effective against fighting the common cold than washing your hand with water and soap.
Bring Your Own Blanket and Pillow
Nowadays, airlines are providing less supplies of blankets and pillows to hand out to all the consumers who are flying on those cold flights; however, even the ones that they do provide are not warm enough and aren’t comfortable. By bringing your own blanket and pillow you are guaranteed that you are going to be warm and comfy for your short or long flight.
Tissue is the oldest trick in the book that helps prevent germs. Avoid touching metal surfaces with your bare hands. Use a tissue to open handles such as opening the tray table, bathroom doors, flushing the toilet and even the storage door above to put your luggage away.
These simple tips will increase your chances of staying healthy so you can enjoy your vacation without worries of getting sick.
If you are interested in booking a travel package to anywhere in the world contact Shawnick at
Make sure you keep up with all of Shawnick’s adventures on her blog.