Scoop of the Week
6 Reasons Why Businesses Should Use an Answering Service
Small businesses and start-ups especially miss out on tons of potential revenue from unanswered calls or improper phone etiquette. As part of a solution answering services are beneficial to improve revenue streem and maintain a professional aura of a company. Here are 6 reasons why businesses should is an answering service.
If you don’t have it, you are already paying for it!
As our initial point was clearly stated lost revenue occurs everytime you miss a call ie. A plumber misses a call that caller will then move on to the next plumber. If you want to maximaze your dollars invest in a service that pays for itself.
No need to train new employees or worry about about customers or clients receiving terrible customer service. Clients or customers that receive customer service are less likely to call or come back.
Business looks more credible and established
No matter if if you’re a one-man operation, having an answering service helps build on your company’s image. You’ll look more credible, established, and professional
Save Money
It’s all about the bottom line. Traditional secretaries require no vacation pay, sick pay, insurance, etc. Eliminate the overhead by hiring an answering service they can be available 24/7- 365.
They Act as a Personal Assistant
With the ability to set and schedule appointments for you, you’ll never miss out on a potential business and you’re calendar will be in order.
Call Tracking and Call List Scrubbing/Verification
Enjoy the benefit of phone analytics. Keep track of calls and capitalize on call lists. This will allow you to target these callers as leads for potential business as well as future marketing efforts.
For more information or if you’re looking to hire an answering Services contact Ansercomm
or call

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