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Unsigned Scoop: Mad Squablz is One of Philly’s Top Lyricists, Take a Listen


Music Scoop

Unsigned Scoop: Mad Squablz is One of Philly’s Top Lyricists, Take a Listen

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Unsigned Scoop: Mad Squablz is One of Philly’s Top Lyricists, Take a Listen

There’s no denying the massive amount of musical talent here in Philadelphia.  For us to try and cover it all would be nearly impossible. So we teamed-up with our friends over at Urban Celebrity Magazine to tap into the the unsigned musical talent.  Artists from hip hop, R&B, Pop & more will be chosen each week in a weekly spotlight dubbed “Urban Celebrity’s Unsigned Scoop.”

This week we are spotlighting Philly lyricist Mad Squablz.  In a city full of young spittas, Squablz is quickly making a name for himself.  With the release of his track “5 Deadly Sins” which has the classic 90’s hip hop feel, it’s safe to say this 19 year old phenom is serious about his craft and has the potential to take the city by storm.   Here’s what Urban Celebrity Magazine has to say about this artist on the rise:

For the past three years people have been whispering the name Mad Squablz all over Philly and the Tri state. This 19 year old  lyrical phenom has been ripping up tracks like a proven vet. After demolishing the Jimmy Dasaint freshman cypher this past summer his hiphop stock has risen like a hundred story skyscraper . Thats why for the past two years he has been one of the favorites and  nominated at the Philly hiphop awards for lyricist of the year honors. Be on the lookout for this super talented Mc as he continues to conquer the hiphop world. Collecting a large hiphop following along the way. Follow him on social media: Instagram and twitter @mad_squablz , and check out the new video “5 deadly venoms”

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