Philly Announces a $12 Million COVID-19 Relief Program Offering Restaurants and Gyms Up to $15K!
Philly Announces a $12 Million COVID-19 Relief Program Offering Restaurants and Gyms Up to $15K!
Philadelphia announced there is some relief on the way for area restaurants and gyms. A new $12 million COVID-19 relief program was just unveiled that will award local restaurants and gyms up to $15,000 in grant money.
The funds which were sourced from a mid-year transfer of general fund dollars last month. The program itself was created via a partnership with the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation. The money may be used for things such as payroll, rent, businesses equipment as well as improvements such as winterizing and outdoor dining.
The program will run until February 9th and are open to all businesses that align with the following criteria:
•Be operating as a restaurant that has indoor dining or as a business whose primary activity is indoor exercise
•Be an independently-owned and operated for-profit business or franchise
•Occupy a storefront, retail or commercial space physically located in Philadelphia
•Be operating at the time of application or have operated in the last 90 days with the intention to be operating again within 90 days
•Earn less than $2 million in annual revenue, pre-COVID-19
•Report at least a 25% decline in revenue from the 4th quarter of 2020 compared to the 4th quarter of 2019
•Be in compliance with all local, state and federal taxes, be on an approved payment plan or able to prove they are in the process of getting on a payment plan. The Philadelphia Department of Revenue is offering flexible payment plans.
•Have required federal, state and local licenses and permits to legally operate
For more information and to apply Click Here.