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10 Things That Make Philadelphians Smile

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10 Things That Make Philadelphians Smile

10 Things That Make Philadelphians Smile


Finding Primo Parking


I mean come on we even had a national show staring meter maids, “Parking Wars.” So whether in Center City or in many neighborhoods parking is at a premium. With PPA and overpriced parking lots throughout town, finding a prime spot will make any Philadelphian crack and smile and maybe even a little “I found a great spot dance.”

Finding Out a Restaurant is BYOB


With our wacky PA liquor laws we often get picked on from other states for our lack of accessibility to liquor.  However, one of the byproducts is an abundance of BYOB spots in Philly.  So when you hear about a new restaurant or venturing to another part of town for dinner and you hear that the place is BYOB, you can’t help but crack a smile.


Late Night Eateries


We’ve all been there.  Out late whether partying a little okay, a lot intoxicated and biting into a Lorenzo’s slice or a cheesesteak from our favorite joint and going into food heaven.  Aside from fast food spots late night spots can be hard to come by.  So a late night eatery is a sight for sore eyes for Philadelphians.


When a Co-Worker Unexpectedly Brings in Soft Pretzels


This goes for any day. A gloomy Monday, a dragging Wednesday, or a TGIF.  When a worker walks through the door with a box of soft pretzels how can anyone not instantly smile.  It’s like the feeling you get when you receive an unexpected post card.  Only this is edible.


Seeing Big Names in Small Venues


Sure seeing an awesome concert in a place such as the Wells Fargo Center or Lincoln Financial Field is a cool experience.  But there’s nothing cooler than seeing one of your favorite artists at one of Philly’s many intimate small venues.  From The Trocadero, to SoundGarden Hall, to the TLA and many more, the experience is unmatched.


Meeting a Philly Fan Out-of-Town


Whether on vacation or for work whenever a Philadelphian is out of town and sees someone rocking Philly sports apparel it sticks out like a sore thumb. Usually this encounter is nothing more than a head-nod although it can turn into a friendly chit-chat.  Either way it feels good knowing that someone far away is suffering along with us here at home.


No Traffic on 76


It’s not uncommon for some people to pass-up on jobs just so they don’t have to deal with the stresses of 76.  Driving on this stretch of road for either work or leisure can be a pain.  So on those rare occasions when you can breeze from City Ave. to King of Prussia without having to stop and go there is nothing else to do but to look up at the sky and smile cause’ like Ice Cube once said “Today Was a Good Day.”


The First Wooder Ice of the Year


This not only signifies flavorful bliss it’s also an indicator that summer is around the corner.  Wooder Ice (water ice) stands are a Philly thing through and through.  So when you’re favorite shop or cart is open for business it just makes you feel like a kid again.


Street Festivals


Too many to name but essentially just about every section of town hosts some kind of street festival or block party during the warmer months.  It’s a good feeling to mingle, enjoy food from local vendors and taking in the sites and sounds of the city that you normally wouldn’t get.  Ever street festival has a feeling of celebrating the city.


Anytime the Cowboys Lose

Dallas Cowboys player Michael Irvin (C)is on the g

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