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Several Exes Play Truth or Shot and Ish Gets Really Real!

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Entertainment Scoop

Several Exes Play Truth or Shot and Ish Gets Really Real!

Several Exes Play Truth or Shot and Ish Gets Really Real!

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Several Exes Play Truth or Shot and Ish Gets Really Real!

Ever wanted to really get the truth from an ex?  You know, “Did you cheat?”  “What’s the real reason why things went south?” and perhaps “Do you still love me?”  Why most of us rather not press rewind and let things play, a group of exes got together for a game of Truth or Shot.  Random questions were pre-written on cards.  Each ex picked a card and asked the questions and were given straight answers.  While some exes chose to take a shot instead, surprisingly the game turned these folks into open books and eventually shit got really real.  Check it out!

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