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Philadelphia is the 9th Rudest City in America According to Business Insider

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Philadelphia is the 9th Rudest City in America According to Business Insider

Philadelphia is the 9th Rudest City in America According to Business Insider

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Philadelphia is the 9th Rudest City in America According to Business Insider

It’s been over 50 years since a bootleg Santa got pelted with snowballs at Franklin Field and the rest of the country still hasn’t let it go.  According to a recent article by Business Insider Philadelphia is the 9th rudest city in America.

Their study was conducted this past November and October, surveying a measly 2,000 adults.  Those surveyed were asked to name the top 5 rudest cities in the US (among the top 50 biggest cities). The rudest city in America, according to the survey, was New York City. It was rated rude by 34.3% of respondents, which was almost twice as much as the next highest city on the list.

According to the article. “9.9% of respondents thought Philadelphia had the rudest inhabitants. One thing Philadelphia is known for is its intense Eagles fans. Over the years they’ve done some arguably rude things, which Philadelphia Magazine compiled in 2018. These included throwing snowballs at a stand-in Santa in 1968, 60 separate fistfights at a single game in 1997, crowds cheering over a career-ending neck injury to Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin in 1999, and, most recently, a drunk fan punching a police horse in 2018.”

So because a bunch of drunk unruly fans from Margate and the Mainline come to Eagles games and act up, the whole town is now rude?  Is Philly a tough town? Yes but in general Philadelphians are cool people that just ask for respect and no-nonsense.  The reputation of the city should not hang in the balance of what goes down at The Linc.  See the full list here.
According to the survey the top 10 rudest cities are:
New York
Los Angeles
Washington D.C
San Francisco
The bottom 10 were
Salt Lake City
Virginia Beach



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