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Penn’s Landing Announced Their Summer Outdoor Movie Series Line-Up! Check it out!


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Penn’s Landing Announced Their Summer Outdoor Movie Series Line-Up! Check it out!

Penn’s Landing Announced Their Summer Outdoor Movie Series Line-Up! Check it out!

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Penn’s Landing Announced Their Summer Outdoor Movie Series Line-Up! Check it out!


There’s something about Philly’s outdoor parks and movies that just makes summer time that much more magical.  Of all of the outdoor summer movie series, you’d be hard pressed to find a bigger crowd or bigger blockbuster movies than Penn’s Landing Screening Under the Stars movie series.  This year, Penn’s Landing is featuring a star-studded line-up of movies including several kid-friendly flicks. All movies kick-off at 8:30 pm sharp.  Check out the line-up below! (This event attracts large crowds so be sure to get there early)

2017 Screenings Under the Stars Schedule!

Thursday, July 6th Captain America: Civil War
Thursday, July 13th Magnificent Seven
Thursday, July 20th Star Wars: Rogue One
Thursday, July 27th *Purple Rain
Thursday, August 3rd LaLa Land
Thursday, August 10th Kong: Skull Island
Thursday, August 17th Beauty and the Beast
Thursday, August 24th The Lego Batman Movie
Thursday, August 31st Sing

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