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PennDOT Set to Begin 2nd Largest Project in it’s history on i95
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For those that have traveled on i95 southbound near Girard have experienced the headache that area can become. Aside from the bottle necking causing delays, the potholes in that section are legendary. I recall seeing up to three cars at one time on the shoulder fixing flats this past winter.
Well for those that have grown to despise this part of 95 we have more bad news. More construction is on the way. In fact this will be phase 4 in a 6 phase plan to rebuild 95. The goal according to PennDOT officials, is four lanes of traffic in each direction and a fifth lane for travel between interchanges.
This next phase of construction comes at a price tag of $211 million and is set to begin June 9th. What does $211 million get you? Well if all goes to plan we should see:
- Reconstruct the ramps at Girard Avenue Interchange
- Replace three mainline viaducts
- Replace two bridges on northbound ramps
- Reconstruct and improve Delaware Avenue between Columbia Avenue and Aramingo Avenue
- Construct three retaining walls
- Install several sign structures
- Relocate underground and aerial utility lines

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