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Parx Casino Will Reopen June 29th With New Rules!

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Parx Casino Will Reopen June 29th With New Rules!

Feature Image via Parx Casino Facebook

Parx Casino Will Reopen June 29th With New Rules!

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Parx Casino Will Reopen June 29th With New Rules!

As the state eases into the green phase, Parx Casino will reopen June 29th at 9 a.m.  The Bucks County casino recently made the announcement.

Parx Casino is looking to rebound after being shut down during the coronavirus pandemic.  However, don’t expect to return to the exact same looking space.  Parx Casino is making changes to how it operates as well as the layout of games.  Here are some of the changes:

  • Guests will have their temperatures checked with a contactless thermal camera or infrared thermometer.
  • Any guests with a temperature at or above 100.4 will have to take another reading.  If their temperature remains at 100.4 or above they will not be permitted in the casino.
  • All guests must wear masks.  Any guests without a mask will be denied entry.
  • Slot machines and table games will have limited seating and be rearranged for social distancing.
  • The poker room is closed until further notice.
  • Only select dining options will be open for guests and with limited hours
  • Guests will be limited to marked doors at three of the main entrances
  • Once Parx Casino reaches capacity, guests will have to wait outside in sectioned off queues.

Parx Casinos new hours will be Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 a.m., then beginning at 9 a.m. on Friday through 3 a.m. on Monday July 6th it will be on a 24-hour schedule.

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