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Wooder Ice

Get the Scoop to Philly’s Newest Italian Spot Me N’ Mo Meatballs and More


Get the Scoop to Philly’s Newest Italian Spot Me N’ Mo Meatballs and More

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If there’s one thing Philly has that we can’t get enough of, it’s Italian food.  I mean come on, aside from New York we got one of the most popular hotbeds for Italian cuisine in the country.  The hardest part is choosing where to go.

Ball Buffett

The variety of meatballs is dizzying. The hardest part is choosing which one to eat first

Well the newest spot on the block will actually make your decision a little easier.  Moving away from the traditional “white cloth” fancy shmancy restaurants, Me N’ Mo Meatballs and More (214 South St.) is bringing a newer, hipper, and fun vibe to the market.  Although, classifying themselves as new-age in the sense of their business model and atmosphere, the cooking methods used here are anything but.

Proudly boasting that each meatball is hand rolled and the ingredients as fresh as it gets, this place is bringing decades old family tradition to the South St. corridor.  This family owned and operated joint wants it to me known that they are shaking things up when it comes to serving Italian cuisine.

spicy pork meatballs

The sauces here are outstanding. To top it off you can mix and match the sauces with each type of meatballs

Wooder Ice was there as Me N’ Mo Meatballs and more hosted their grand opening and we got the scoop with the head madam in charge, Milan.  Check it out!

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