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Check Out the New Mo’ne Davis Chevrolet Commercial “Throw Like a Girl”

Local Scoop

Check Out the New Mo’ne Davis Chevrolet Commercial “Throw Like a Girl”

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Looks like the Mo’ne Davis express is not losing any steam.  As you may recall this past summer, Mo’ne took the country by storm with her stellar performance during this past summer’s Little League World Series.  Being the first girl to win a game as a starting pitcher in the series and the 18th overall girl to play.

Being a girl and of African American descent made for a media frenzy and it looks like the big companies are looking to cash in on her name. The latest is the new Mo’ne Davis Chevrolet commercial entitled “Throw Like a Girl.”  In it Mo’ne does a voice over detailing her journey and love for sports as well as family.  Check it out!

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