You Can Now Park for FREE in Philly Every Saturday Until the End of the Year!
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You Can Now Park for FREE in Philly Every Saturday Until the End of the Year!
In an effort to compete with suburban malls, the city has worked out a deal with the PPA to offer free metered parking citywide every Saturday until the end of the year.
In a recent statement by Mayor Kenney he explains, “If you go to the Deptford Mall, or the Neshaminy Mall, or King of Prussia, parking is free,” Kenney said. “We need to be competitive in that regard, and help our businesses grow during the holiday season, and let them make some money.”
Realizing that many holiday shoppers are flocking to big box stores and malls, Mayor Kenney is trying to soften the blow of losing out on tax dollars. Although, the deal is a sweet one, it’s not so much of a good will gesture as it is a way to slow the bleeding economically. Either way we plan on taking full advantage of the deal as will many other Philadelphians. Hell, who knows maybe it will even lure suburbanites away from their strip malls and into the city for more of a boutique shopping experience.
In addition to free parking the PPA is also offering discounted parking at certain lots. For the low cost of $8 you can park from 11 am to midnight at the following locations.(be sure to check with lot management for ticket validation).
AutoPark at Independence Mall
AutoPark at Olde City
Parkade on 8th
AutoPark at Jefferson
AutoPark at Gallery Mall
Family Courthouse Garage