According to a New Survey, Temple University is the Most Sexually Active Campus in the U.S!
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According to a New Survey, Temple University is the Most Sexually Active Campus in the U.S!
It’s no secret that college is the place where many adolescent youth go to explore, experiment and engage in many “extracurricular activities.” Movies and T.V shows set at college campuses almost always seem to revolve around the sexually charged environment that students are immersed in. Well of all the universities in the U.S, Philly’s own Temple University ranks at the top of the list when it comes to sexual activity.
That’s right, according to a recent study done by, “Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania may have been founded by a Baptist minister in 1884, but today it’s the most sexually active campus. Temple University, with its population of more than 37,000 students, takes advantage of its urban location in the heart of Philadelphia by doing a different kind of social study between classes.”
So how did they arrive to this conclusion? Well, according to the site, “surveyed of 2,000 current and former college students to take a snapshot of activity between the sheets on U.S. campuses. We learned about the frequency of intercourse, the most sexually active campuses, the average number of partners, and the use of protection.”
So it looks like the cherry and white student body are acing their human anatomy courses. Exactly how much sex are Temple students having? According to the study, “When we asked our respondents what their “numbers” were, men told us they’d had an average of about 14 sexual partners at the time of our survey, while women told us they’d had fewer than 12. When we asked about their time in college, men and women actually had about the same number of unique sexual encounters, each averaging close to 5. For women, that means close to 43 percent of their total number of sexual partners came from their time at college or university. For men, their time in college only represented 35 percent of their total sexual experiences.”
To see where other colleges and universities rank, see the chart below: