4 Tips To Throw The Best Quarantine BBQ This Memorial Day Weekend! - Wooder Ice
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4 Tips To Throw The Best Quarantine BBQ This Memorial Day Weekend!

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4 Tips To Throw The Best Quarantine BBQ This Memorial Day Weekend!

Photo by Zac Cain on Unsplash

4 Tips To Throw The Best Quarantine BBQ This Memorial Day Weekend!

4 Tips To Throw The Best Quarantine BBQ This Memorial Day Weekend!

Okay, we can agree that social distancing and BBQs don’t really mix.  However, it shouldn’t stop us from enjoying the un-official start of summer like we always have.  I mean we freeze our asses all winter with Memorial Day weekend circled on our calendar because we know we’ll be spending our time enjoying the outdoors.  Having been quarantined for over a month only makes us more anxious. We want everyone to enjoy their BBQs but let’s also be safe out here.  So to help you guys throw a great BBQ and adhere to social distancing rules, we came up with 4 tips to throw the best quarantine BBQ this Memorial Day weekend.  Enjoy!


Stagger Guests

When we think of parties, shindigs, get-togethers and kickbacks we are usually accustomed to having as many guests as possible at the same time.  I mean how else can you gauge a party’s success than by attendance right?  Well, during quarantine less may be more. Instead of trying to have everyone show up at the same time, try and stagger your guests.  Create windows of times where guests can come in.  We don’t think you should kick anyone out but usually the guests who came in the earliest will BBQ hop to the next spot anyway.


Play Contactless Games 

As hard as it may be, we might have to sacrifice cards, dominoes and other games that require items to exchange hands frequently. Instead opt more for contactless entertainment.  Phone Games such as Heads-Up, karaoke, dance-offs, or some good old fashioned flip cup.


Try and Have a Designated Server

Hey, even when I hosted BBQ’s in the past it was always self serve.  I’d just point to the where the burgers and drinks were and guests helped themselves.  Aht, aht, aht, we may want to be a little more cautious this summer and have a designated server or rotate the responsibility.  Perhaps someone shaking up the cocktails and another serving up plates.   If you want to spare having a bartender pre-mix your drinks and have them in a small cooler that has a spout that guests can use. As long as the drink isn’t exposed, you should be good to go.


Have a Hand Washing Station On-Hand

The motto during this quarantine has been “wash your hands.”  So let’s keep practicing good hygiene by having a station where guests can wash their hands.  Now this doesn’t have to be anything fancy even a working house in the yard could suffice.  Just make sure you have some soap on-hand and even better sanitizer if you can find some.


Bonus Tip

Whenever I threw a backyard party, I always tried to make sure to provide some parting-gifts.  Something light humor but useful.  Perhaps a roll of TP, small container of hand sanitizer or even come masks or bandanas if you have some to spare.  Just a little token to remember this unique times and remember a fun moment.  Enjoy and be safe.

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