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Yo Adrian! The Rocky 50K Fat Ass Run is Set for 2015
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Runners on your mark, get set, wait! That’s right it looks like all of you avid runners will have to wait one full year to participate in the Rocky 50K Fat Ass Run.
Fat Ass is a running term for runs that aren’t sanctioned and take place on trails frequently used by avid runners. The Rocky 50K will be approximately 31 miles of urban terrain. For participants, everyone will have to obey street laws as no part of the course will be closed off. This is definitely a challenging run as not only will you have to battle the elements but also pedestrians and drivers alike.
Navigating through the city just walking can be challenging at times so for anyone looking to take part in this race, it is sure to be a doozy. The official website states:
FAT ASS is the name given to a series of low key runs that are frequented by experienced runners & walkers and characterised by the phrase “No Fees, No Awards, No Aid, No Wimps”. Yes, the runs are totally free to enter and are put on by passionate runners who are also running. Because the runs are not races in any sense, there is no guarantee of anything other than a course to run. There are no course marshals, and no course markers, and you should not expect any aid either. They are an exercise in self-help.
For more information visit Rock50k.com

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