Wepa! GUSTO & La Chingonita are Hosting a Bad Bunny Brunch For a Good Cause
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Bad Bunny skyrocketed to become one of the hottest Latin artists in the world, so when it comes to events featuring his chart topping music, you bet it will bring the people out. For those looking to enjoy Bad Bunny hits and enjoy amazing food then be sure to head over to Las Parcelas Gardens (2248 Palethorp St.) November 7th for the Bad Bunny Brunch 2 hosted by GUSTO and La Chingonita.
GUSTO will be collecting cash donations for Defend PR, a multimedia project designed to document and celebrate Puerto Rican creativity, resilience, and resistance, and one of GUSTO’s longtime beneficiary partners. “My partner, Marangeli and I loved Bad Bunny so much that we decided to create a one-of-a-kind brunch party to celebrate him and also support of very cool organization on the island – Defend PR,” states Amy Rivera Nassar, Co-Founder of GUSTO and owner of Amy’s Pastelillos.