Tips To Get You Through Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras is just around the corner. Planning on heading to the Big Easy or just staying local to celebrate the festivities. Follow these tips to make the most of your carnival experience.
Where Comfortable Shoes.
Walking is unavoidable during this street celebration, with parades going on from street to street, many streets are closed off and you might just have to walk a couple of miles to get to where you need to go in the French Quarter. Let’s not forget about the hundreds of beads that are laying around the on the ground. Wearing platform shoes is a major no-no, you can easily slip from the beads. Make sure you wear shoes that are comfortable and that you don’t mind getting a little scruff up.
Check The Forecast.
The weather is unpredictable this time of year. The weather over the years has range from the low 40’s up to the high 90’s. And of course since it is a southern state, the rain isn’t uncommon. You might have a rain shower or two passing by so be prepared for anything. Make sure you have an umbrella and a light jacket that you can easily carry. That way if it gets to cold you can put it on and easily slip it off if it gets to warm.
Drinking Is Part Of The Celebration
Like any other celebration drink responsibly. As the song goes, “Do Whatcha Wanna” but be responsible while your at it. And remember NoLa law permits people to drink in the streets as long as it is in a plastic cup, so remember no glasses or cups.
Beads are Valuable
During all of Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday, beads are like gold. If you’re a guy bring tons of them because women of all ages love to flash for some beads.
Bring A Camera
And use it. Believe me you are going to see a whole lot of things that you haven’t seen before. You want to show everyone back at home all the fun and crazy this you are experiencing.
Dress In A Costume
You haven’t completely done Mardi Gras until you wear a costume. Make sure whatever costume you choose it’s comfortable and flexible to move in because you will be wearing it all day and all over the French Quarter.
Leave Valuables Belongings
Be prepared for the elbow to elbow walks through the streets of the French Quarter. Avoid walking with purses and carrying wallets in your pocket.
Watch The Parades
The best part of the celebration is seeing the parades.
Have Fun
Remember Mardi Gras is all about having fun. So behave you don’t want to get arrested and end up in jail.
Share with us where you are planning on celebrationing your Mardi Gras? Hashtag #travelscoop and join the conversation on social media.
If you are interested in booking a travel package to anywhere in the world contact Shawnick at
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