This Man has Spent over $150,000 on His Quest to Visit Every Starbucks in the World!
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This Man has Spent over $150,000 on His Quest to Visit Every Starbucks in the World!
Starbucks, you either love em’ or hate em’. For 47 year-old Houston native Winter, it’s become and obsession. Winter who was born Rafael Antonio Lozano Jr. (he legally changed his name) started a quest to visit every Starbucks in the world back in 1997.
I am pretty sure he didn’t anticipate the coffee chain to explode the way that it did. Now Winter has the daunting task to visit over 30,000 stores. As of right now Winter is half way there with an impressive 15,000 world-wide-visits.
You’re probably wonder how the hell can he afford to travel the world to drink over priced coffee. Glad you asked. Well Winter is a freelance computer engineer who travels for work and makes detours at Starbucks. However, he does make many trips with the soul purpose of adding another notch in the belt.
And my 14,984th store overall—so close to 15K!!!
— Winter (@winterene) August 27, 2019
To help fund his life-long-quest, Winter has been living out of his car and has spent over $150,000 in total. Among his favorite shops are Dazaifu Tenmangu Sando in Fukuoka, Japan as well as a Starbucks in Paris France.
It’s definitely very interesting seeing a person devote their life to honoring the giant coffee chain while many folks in Philadelphia have been signing a petition to keep them out of neighborhoods.