Entertainment Scoop
There’s Now an App That Helps You to Break-up With Your Significant Other
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The market for hook-up apps is pretty saturated. I mean there’s apps for straight hooking up, finding dates and just plain getting some coffee. With all these new found relationships there is bound to be plenty that will eventually fizzle. Well if you find yourself in such a predicament feel at ease knowing that there is now an app that helps you to break-up with your significant other.
Binder which is available for bothe iOS and Android is a easy to use app that will handle the dirt work of breaking-up with someone. Yes civilization has come to this. No more awkward texts, calls and meet-ups. Simply enter your S/O’s contact info and swipe right and your soon-to-be ex will receive a customized text informing them about your new found freedom. The app also makes phone calls with a singing telegram for those of you who want to keep it classy. Check out the images and the customize robo call below.

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