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The Mann Center Announces E.T in Concert With the Score Performed by a Live Orchestra!

ET at the mann center

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The Mann Center Announces E.T in Concert With the Score Performed by a Live Orchestra!

The Mann Center Announces E.T in Concert With the Score Performed by a Live Orchestra!

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The Mann Center Announces E.T in Concert With the Score Performed by a Live Orchestra!

The Mann Center has found a unique niche in the movie screening department.  While most movie nights being hosted are screened in a regular format, The Mann Center takes things up a notch by having a live orchestra perform the scores.

In a recent announcement to their movie line-up the Mann Center will be screening the classic flick E.T the Extra-Terrestrial with the original score being performed by the Mann Center Festival Orchestra as the film plays in high definition on a 40 ft. screen as well as two lawn screens.  Show starts at 8 pm and picnics are welcomed so bring your chairs, blankets and coolers full of your favorite goodies. Tickets go on sale this Friday at 10 am. (Tickets for these events typically range $25+ depending on seating)

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