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The Citywide Special is About to Change: Pabst is Now Making Their Own Whiskey!


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The Citywide Special is About to Change: Pabst is Now Making Their Own Whiskey!

The Citywide Special is About to Change: Pabst is Now Making Their Own Whiskey!

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The Citywide Special is About to Change: Pabst is Now Making Their Own Whiskey!


Walk into any bar in Philly and order a “citywide” and you’ll get the classic combo of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer and a side of Whiskey.  Now the whiskey you get depends on which bar you walk into.  However, in the near future the citywide could very well be a combo of Pabst and a shot of Pabst.  That’s right Pabst will be making their own whiskey.

Just last month Pabst got approval from the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau for the right to produce an alcohol label under the name Pabst Blue Ribbon Whiskey.

Sources state that the label boasts that the spirit is “aged 5 seconds,” and that it is “made from nature’s choicest products that Jacob Best used when he founded Pabst in 1844.

Although it’s considered a low-tier beer by most, Pabst is one of the best selling beers in the country.  We’re sure the price point has a lot to do with that.  No word yet on when Pabst will be rolling out the new whiskey, so stay tuned for more updates!


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