Sister Cities Park is Hosting a Scavenger Hunt and Trick-or-Treating for Kids!
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Sister Cities Park is Hosting a Scavenger Hunt and Trick-or-Treating for Kids!
Unfortunately this year the Halloween experiences for children are few and far between. However, Center City District Parks and The Free Library of Philadelphia are looking to make sure the kids have a place to enjoy the holiday.
On Saturday October 17th bring the kids down to Sister Cities Park (18th St & the Benjamin Franklin Pkwy) for a very special Parkway Pals program! Beginning at 11 a.m., youngsters are invited to participate in a fun and festive scavenger hunt through the park, ending with a trick-or-treat bag of goodies. The Free Library of Philadelphia will host Story Art at noon, complete with Halloween-themed stories and take-away crafts. Costumes are encouraged! As always, guests should mask up.