See Why SWEATX at Sweat Fitness is One of Philly’s Best Workouts
See Why SWEATX at Sweat Fitness is One of Philly’s Best Workouts
Notice the weather getting a little warmer or how the sun is shining just a little longer? Well you don’t have to be Hurricane Schwartz to predict just how close summer will be. If you’re like many people that thought bulking season was just about packing the lbs to improve your snuggle game, well we found the perfect workout to get you ready to hit the cabanas over at North Shore this summer. Introducing Philly’s latest fitness craze, SWEATX at Sweat Fitness in Queen Village.
Founded by former NFLer Chris Harris, SWEATX is a high intensity workout that tests your strength and endurance in a variety of exercises. Instead of a personal trainer, SWEATX operates in small groups much like CrossFit. However, SWEATX at Sweat Fitness, the work out is high endurance and compact to fit within an hour. Yes, you’re essentially in and out and before long you’ll be able to fit in those clothes featured in all of your Throwback Thursday pics. So what can you expect from SWEATX? Here’s a sample of a workout that Chris would put you through:
Sample Workout: 10 min
Dynamic Warm up 20 min
Back Squat: 20min. to find a 1 rep max (1RM) 20 min
5 rounds of: 22 Kettle bell swings
22 box jumps
3 sprints up the ramp (30 degree incline)
22 burpees
22 wall balls. 20 min. time cap 10 min
Cool down and stretch.
I started cramping up just reading it but even a beginner such as myself would be able to jump right in, just like our own Brittany showed us in our recap video. Obviously Chris and his staff know their stuff. All SWEATX instructors actually have a bachelor degrees in the related field or nationally recognized personal training certifications. Chris Harris himself is a 105kg Olympic Weightlifter, N.A.S.M and S.P.A.R.T.A certified with a B.S. Exercise Science. Yea, so he’s pretty much an equivalent to a 3rd degree black belt teaching karate. Enough of me yapping about how good this class is, see for yourself in our latest edition of Brittany Tries!