Philly's Own Chill Moody Is Teaming-Up With The Philadelphia Orchestra For a Free Show at The Mann - Wooder Ice
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Philly’s Own Chill Moody Is Teaming-Up With The Philadelphia Orchestra For a Free Show at The Mann

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Philly’s Own Chill Moody Is Teaming-Up With The Philadelphia Orchestra For a Free Show at The Mann

Philly’s Own Chill Moody Is Teaming-Up With The Philadelphia Orchestra For a Free Show at The Mann

Philly’s music ambassador and Mann Center Artist in Residence, Chill Moody has always been innovative and forward thinking when it comes to pushing his music as well as his nicethings brand which includes beverages  (beer, wine, and kombucha) as well as sneakers and apparel. Now the West Philly native is once again deviating from the norms of rap performances by teaming-up with The Philadelphia Orchestra for a free concert on July 19th at 8 pm.

Taking place at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, Moody and The Philadelphia Orchestra will be performing Darin Atwater’s Black Metropolis: Improvisations on Paint Factory.

When I first was approached about being the Community Artist In Residence at The Mann Center one of the first things I brought up was my dream of performing with The Philadelphia Orchestra. It’s a vision i’ve had for myself ever since the Roots did their jawn with the Dallas pops and Nas did his jawn at the Kennedy Center. Once we locked in residency, The Mann connected me with Darin Atwater and we got to work,” Moody states.
So what can guests expect?  Well music lovers will get to enjoy 90 minutes of seamless musical journey combining hip-hop & classical music. “We have the full orchestra, a 30 voice choir, also adding a DJ and a rhythm section, a whole architecture of sound,” Chill adds.
“I grew up right down the block from The Mann Center, so for me this show means more to me than I can really explain. It was just a vision in my head and it’s now a reality, I still don’t know how to properly express how I feel about it but it means a great deal. Life changing things. I’m a firm believer this show is going to be like something no one has ever experienced before, everyone should witness this jawn. Our approach is unique, the music sounds amazing, it’s really going to be special,” Chill Moody explains.
You can register for this free concert on The Mann website.
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