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Panorama in Old City is Hosting Dinner and a Movie With Planes, Trains and Automobiles and a 3-Course Meal!


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Panorama in Old City is Hosting Dinner and a Movie With Planes, Trains and Automobiles and a 3-Course Meal!

Panorama in Old City is Hosting Dinner and a Movie With Planes, Trains and Automobiles and a 3-Course Meal!

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Panorama in Old City is Hosting Dinner and a Movie With Planes, Trains and Automobiles and a 3-Course Meal!

Aside from the family gatherings and music, this time of year is great because of the classic holiday movies we all love to re-watch every year.  Now it just so happens that one of the greatest holiday flicks of all-time will be screened at Old City’s Panorama.

On Tuesday November 17th, Panorama (14 N. Front St.) will host dinner and a movie with the classic John Candy & Steve Martin flick “Panes, Trains and Automobiles.”   Reservation start at 5:3o pm with the feature film starting at 7:15 pm.  Dinner and a movie will only apply to indoor seating.

The three-course dinner that will accompany the movie will be $35 per person and includes an appetizer, entree and desert. Panorama will also serve complimentary popcorn once the movie begins.

For reservations call Panorama at (215) 922-7800.

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