Macaulay Culkin Reprises the Role of Kevin McCallister in the New Google Assistant Ad!
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Macaulay Culkin Reprises the Role of Kevin McCallister in the New Google Assistant Ad!
Home Alone is without a doubt one of the greatest Christmas movies ever made. Every kid fantasized about setting up booby traps to thwart thieves. Also having the house to yourself was a huge deal as a kid!
Although we become a little jaded after the trilogy it’s always nice to be bitten by the nostalgia bug every once and a while. So when Google Assistant dropped a commercial featuring Macaulay Culkin reprising his role as Kevin McCasllister we were all for it.
In the ad Google Assistant helps make being home alone just a tad bit easier. Google Assistant provided Kevin with reminders, assisted with the pizza delivery and launched “Operation Kevin.” Check it out!