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Looking to Powerlift? The All-New Kensington Powerlifting Gym is Opening This Spring

Lifestyle Scoop

Looking to Powerlift? The All-New Kensington Powerlifting Gym is Opening This Spring

Looking to Powerlift? The All-New Kensington Powerlifting Gym is Opening This Spring

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Not all gyms are created equal, and Kensington Powerlifting is offering powerlifters a place to powerlift and create a community. Set to officially open at 1833 N. Howard on May 17th, owner Giovannie Vilomar is looking to become the go-to location for those serious about powerlifting.

“I opened it because my friends and I in the neighborhood saw a need for a gym to have great powerlifting equipment and a fun, engaging community. Strength training as well as powerlifting has been a rising trend for the past couple of years, and I feel that the sport of powerlifting is the best way to build strength. You don’t necessarily have to compete. You just gotta have an interest in squatting, benching, and/or deadlifting as a core exercise,” Giovannie explains.

So what can members expect? Well, for starters Giovannie described the soon-to-be opened gym as having “the best powerlifting equipment within city limits and to be a part of a community that is both respectful and supportive. They will feel welcomed, have fun, and know that it’s a local gym where people care for the space. It’s a place to feel inspired to be the strongest they can be and support others along the way.”

Although no set price has been announced, Kensington Powerlifting will be posting a landing page on their site where interested powerlifters can sign up. The hours of operation will be Monday through Friday 6am to 10pm. Sunday and Saturday from 7am to 8pm. Open on holidays.

Having been a powerlifter for eight years now, Giovannie described his journey into the sport after being hospitalized for mental health challenges stating, “Powerlifting was a big aspect of my recovery. After getting my business degree I worked in finance and then I went to work in social services. Now for the past couple of years, after working with a nonprofit in my day job to help others who are challenged by starting and growing their own businesses, I’m starting my own business to meet the needs of the community and live by what I teach others.”

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