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Jimmy Fallon’s Saved By the Bell Reunion is the Best Thing to Happen on the Internet This Week

Entertainment Scoop

Jimmy Fallon’s Saved By the Bell Reunion is the Best Thing to Happen on the Internet This Week

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Man talk about Throwback Thursdays. If you’re an 80’s baby like myself you couldn’t help but grin ear to ear when you saw Jimmy’s segment reminiscing about his time at Bayside High.   One by one Zach, A.C Slater, Jessie, and Kelly Kapowski made an appearance.  For obvious reasons Lisa Turtle and Screech couldn’t make a cameo.  However, a plump Mr. Belding did show up.  The cast decked out in their classic attire and staple hair-dos executed the skit flawlessly. Overall the cast aged very well and it almost seemed as if you were watching the actual show.  Without giving it all away check out Jimmy Fallon’s Saved By the Bell Reunion!

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