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Indego Bike-Share Program is Now $1 Every First Tuesday

Local Scoop

Indego Bike-Share Program is Now $1 Every First Tuesday

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Now you can ride a bike for $1 to get to your $2 taco Tuesday spots.  The Indego Bike-Share program has just announced their new super low cost rates to entice more people to use their service.

Beginning this Tuesday and every first Tuesday after, anyone can rent a bike at any of 60 Indego stations throughout the city for the ultra low price of $1 with a 30 minute limit.  After the 30 minutes are up normal rates apply and it’s worth noting that the special ends at 10 pm.

Bad news for current Indego members though.  If you happened to sign up for either of the two membership options then it look like you won’t be able to take advantage of the $1 Tuesday rates.

For everyone else, this is a great opportunity to move about the city in the cheapest possible way that doesn’t include running or walking.  It will definitely be interesting to see just how big of a spike we’ll see of   blue beach cruisers crowding the bike lanes ever first Tuesday.

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