Here are the Cliff’s Notes to Philly Schools Reopening!
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Here are the Cliff’s Notes to Philly Schools Reopening!
The School District of Philadelphia released their plans for their fall opening. So among all the changes, what should we expect? Well here are our Cliff’s Notes to the Philly Schools reopening.
- First day of school will be moved from August 31st to September 2nd
- Students will attend in-person classes 2-days-a-week.
- Classrooms will be limited to 25 people “when feasible”
- Plexiglass barriers will utilized for situations when students cannot be 6 ft. apart
- Math, English, physical education and art will be prioritized for “in-person” learning while other subjects such as social studies and foreign language will be done remotely
- Students with complex needs and preschoolers will be able to attend in-person classes 4-days-a-week
- All desks will be arranged to face forward (rather than clusters or group settings)
- Each of the 200+ schools will develop its own guidelines for social distancing. However, masks or face shields are mandatory for students and faculty
- There will be a ban for all non-essential visitors
- Meals will primarily be eaten in classrooms
- There will be no temperature checks. The system will rely on “self screening” by faculty and students
- Students or faculty that test positive for COVID-19 will have to remain out-of-class for 10 days
- Superintendent William R. Hite Jr. stated that the reopening will cost an extra $60 million to $80 million
- If the entire district were to be forced to close due to the pandemic, programs to cope with trauma will be launched