Have You Seen the New Trailer for the Mr. Rodgers’ Movie “WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR?”
Have You Seen the New Trailer for the Mr. Rodgers’ Movie “WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR?”
Mr. Rodgers’ Neighborhood and Sesame Street are about neck and neck for the most iconic kid shows of all time. If you were born in the 80’s or prior than you definitely tuned in as Pennsylvania born (wanted to emphasize it) Mr. Rodgers changed his shoes and slipped into his cardigan. Now 15 years since his passing, a movie is being released in theaters. Just so there’s no confusion, this is not the biopic “You Are My Friend” with Tom Hanks. Won’t You Be My Neighbor is more of a documentary style pic that will spotlight Minister Fred Rodgers’ willingness to tackle tough issues for kids such as death, divorce, and racism. Won’t You Be My Neighbor is scheduled for a June 8th release date, check out the trailer.