Fishtown Wants You To Give Them Your Butts to Reduce Cigarette Litter!
Fishtown Wants You To Give Them Your Butts to Reduce Cigarette Litter!
Apparently Fishtown is tired of butts. In a recent Facebook post by The Fishtown Neighbors Association, a photo was published showing a large tin receptacle right out outside of the Cedar Point Bar & Kitchen. The new fixture will be placed in high traffic areas in an effort to curve cigarette butt litter.
The post states that cigarette butts are the most littered item in the world. A quick fun fact that I certainly wasn’t aware of. The new TerraCycle cigarette receptacles is Fishtown’s solution to the growing butt littering epidemic. Apparently Fishtown had enough of hipsters tossing Virginia Slim butts all over 19125. Do you feel other neighborhoods should adopt this system?