Ever Had Puerto Rican Panzerotti or Italian Pastelillos? You Can at Paffuto’s Pocket Party Ft. Amy’s Pastelillos
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Paffuto which were known for their popular pop-ups recently secured a brick and mortar at 1009 S. 8th Street, will be welcoming another beloved pop-up for a special Pocket Party. On Sunday February 4th Co-chefs/partners Jake Loeffler, Daniel Griffiths, and Sam Kalkut of Paffuto will host Amaryllis Rivera Nassar of Amy’s Pastelillos.
The Pocket Party will feature both Panzerotti & Pastelillos. The collaborative menu will see Rivera make an Italian-inspired pastelillo, while the Paffuto team plans on making a Puerto Rican version of a panzerotto. Both Paffuto and Amy’s Pastelillos will also make versions of their own product, and the two brands will collaborate on multiple sides well. There will also be a dessert panzerotti on the menu. The “pocket party” begins at 10:30 a.m., and will go on until 2:30 p.m. or sellout.
Paffuto, which opened in early December, specializes in panzerotti – that originated in Central and Southern Italian cuisine, resembling a small calzone. Amy’s Pastelillos is a Philly-based Puerto Rican brand which specializes in of course you guessed it, pastelillos which are a staple in the Puerto Rican culture.
Paffuto, which means “plump” in Italian, is a 22-seat restaurant offering breakfast and lunch from Wednesday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and Sunday for brunch from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Dinner service will be added to the repertoire later this winter. Learn more at paffutophl.com.