Date While You Wait is Coming back to Philly!
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Date While You Wait is Coming back to Philly!
If you happen to be stopping by the University City Station next Tuesday during your evening commute you may notice something a little different. On the platform will be a sharply dressed guy rocking a bowtie and sitting at a small table. On the table will be a game of some sort along with a coke bottle with a flower. Now you may start wondering what is this guy doing? Well if you’re one of the many (more like the majority) of commuters that are constantly on their phone and anti-social, then that man at the table is waiting for you.
The man’s name is Thomas Knox and he’s a New Yorker that developed a cool social program called Date While You Wait. No gimmicks, no sales pitches or expectations. Just some good ol’ fashioned conversation is what Thomas is looking for. Thomas began sitting on New York City subway station platforms about 2 years ago. Since then he has been featured on CNN, The New York Times, The Huffington Post, and of course Wooder Ice.
With a simple yet tasteful set up, Thomas was able to engage commuters. Everything from how their day is, to personal problems, triumphs, relationship advice and more has been shared over the years.
With a goal of creating dialogue in a digital world, Date While You Wait brings back the nostalgic times before smartphones, when people actually engaged one another. This coming Tuesday Thomas Knox is bringing that program to Philly.
Wooder Ice was fortunate enough to have participated in the National Date While You Wait Day last year, now Thomas is looking to engage Philadelphia once again. So if you have a few minutes to spare and wouldn’t mind to get to know a complete stranger than be sure to introduce yourself to Thomas and who knows you may whip his but in a friendly game of Connect Four.