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Break Out Your Pencil & Pads Because The Franklin Institute is Hosting a Weekly Sketch Night

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Break Out Your Pencil & Pads Because The Franklin Institute is Hosting a Weekly Sketch Night

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Whether you’re an accomplished artist or a casual doodler, The Franklin Institute is giving everyone a great opportunity to brush-up on their art skills while enjoying one of the city’s most popular exhibits.

Starting next Tuesday February 10th, visitors who pay to see Body Worlds: Animals Inside Out will also be able to set up shop anywhere in the exhibit and create their very own masterpieces. Cleverly named Anatomy and Art: Sketch Night this unique event will take place every Tuesday night between the hours of 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm until March 31st.

Essentially it’s a relaxing evening where you’re able to set-up an easel, or find a comfortable seat somewhere and get lost in your notepad, pencils, charcoal, or whatever your art tool of choice is. The perfect blend of art and science, sketch night can become a perfect evening for a solo trip to get away from it all or make it a fun evening with family or friends.  Either way we’re sure the best sketch will be posted on the fridge.

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