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Aziz Ansari Perfectly Breaks Down What Being Single is Like in 2017

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Aziz Ansari Perfectly Breaks Down What Being Single is Like in 2017

Aziz Ansari Perfectly Breaks Down What Being Single is Like in 2017

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Aziz Ansari Perfectly Breaks Down What Being Single is Like in 2017

There’s three things I do not leave the house with and that’s what I call the holy trinity, wallet, keys, and phone.  All three help me get through the day and all three serve a special purpose in my life.  However, only one of these objects is a double sword.  Cell phones are a necessary evil in today’s society.  They can grant you instant access to people, help you run a business, and save lives.  On the flip sides, cell phones have also ruined social engagement, specifically dating and comedian Aziz Ansari perfectly broke it down.

In a recent interview on Conan O’Brien Aziz gave the textbook definition on what it’s like dating in the smartphone age.  Check it out!

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