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The Academy of Natural Sciences is Hosting an Overnight Kid Safari

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The Academy of Natural Sciences is Hosting an Overnight Kid Safari

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Looks like overnight museum stays are becoming a new trend.  However, this one is geared towards the youngsters.  This Saturday February 21st The Academy of Natural Sciences is hosting an overnight kid safari complete with food, activities, and private tours.

This is an awesome experience for kids to be exposed to the wonders of science in a fun, festive environment.  As part of the overnight stay, kids will be taken on a behind-the-scenes tour of the museum as well as dig for dinosaur bones, and observe animals in the museum’s dioramas. This is actually just the start as a scavenger hunt, sandbox play, and insect demonstrations will also be apart of the experience.

As for extras, the museum will also provide snacks while letting children and chaperones to freely explore the Academy’s popular exhibits.  When it’s time to get tucked in, you’ll be able to take up a comfy spot next to exhibits such as lions, tigers, and even the Tyrannosaurus Rex.  Definitely something that any kid will a ways remember.  I mean how many of us can say we slept next to a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

When it’s time to rise and shine this overnight stay comes complete with a light breakfast as well as the opportunity to freely explore the museum the next day.  All-in-all this is definitely a memorable adventure any kid would love and they’ll be able to learn a ton in the process.

Contact [email protected] or 215-299-1060 for more information.

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