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88 Year Old Man Takes a Framed Photo of His Deceased Wife Everywhere He Goes

Entertainment Scoop

88 Year Old Man Takes a Framed Photo of His Deceased Wife Everywhere He Goes

(Published by KSLA in Shrevesport, LA)

Every morning, 88-year-old George Travis orders the same breakfast at Another Broken Egg restaurant in Shreveport. He orders bacon, two eggs and a waffle. He also sits in the same place and saves a place for his wife.

“I bring her with me everywhere I go,” said Travis. “I never go anywhere without my precious wife.”

Even though she can’t physically be seen with him her memory is there and kept alive in a brown folded picture frame he will pull from his pocket at set on the counter.

“Her name is Billy Mae Meeks. She was a great and wonderful love.”

This picture has sparked curiosity among other customers and employees over the last year. They have asked him about here, offered words of condolence and even bought his breakfast. He quickly turns the attention back to his wife and tells them of their endless love.

“I don’t believe that she ever made me feel like I was not wanted or not needed. I always felt important.

“I cherish the years that I had with her. If she could’ve lived just a little bit more I would’ve had 50 years with her.”

50 years ago before he met his wife, his life seemed to be moving in slow motion. He found himself living in Minden after a failed marriage and a strained relationship with his two kids. He was forced to start over.

“Every one of my friends were married. I was not married.”

It was by chance that he met his sweet Billy Mae. Travis asked a friend to set him up on a blind date for a Lions Club Convention in Alexandria.

“How fortunate I was to have a date as beautiful as she was and when I took her to the Lions Club convention that day I felt very important. She made me feel that way.”

Since that day they were never apart. Travis, whose memory is fading, said every moment he shared with his love has never been more vivid. Even the moment in July of 2013 that he had to say goodbye.

“Her head turned back and her eyes closed. She took three deep breaths and she was gone. And it was the hardest thing that’s ever happened to me. I don’t tear up and cry like I used to. I’ve conquered that. It doesn’t do me any good.”

Instead he does not think of her as passed. He thinks of her as “living” in heaven waiting to see him again. Until that time the cleans her grave site and says a prayer by her head stone holding a picture of her along with his bible in his hands.

When asked what he misses most about his wife he said “everything.”

“I miss being able to put my arms around her. She was a great love and she expressed her love to me. She let me know that she was my girl.”

Travis suffered a heart attack on November 13, 2014 but according to his close friend Travis is doing remarkably well and is ready to get back on his feet and have breakfast with his wife soon.

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