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500 Degrees Burgers Will Serve Its Last Burgers Saturday and Turn Into Snap Pizza
500 Degrees Burgers Will Serve Its Last Burgers Saturday and Turn Into Snap Pizza
Known for its greasy yet tasty burgers, 500 Degrees Burgers Will Serve Its Last Burgers Saturday and Turn Into Snap Pizza. That’s right so all of you late night party goers that crave a burger at 2 am will have to look elsewhere after Saturday.
The closing comes after 5 1/2 years of business which included many accolades and widely regarded as one of Philly’s top burger joints. However, before you get too bent out of shape, it’s worth noting that owner Rob Wasserman is going to revamp the space and turn it into a pizza shop slated to open in February of 2016.
The new pizza shop will be part of a local chain called Snap Pizza that was started in the burbs and is slowly making its way into the city. Snap Custom Pizza features a create-your-own pizza and salad menu as well as a BYOB policy.