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L&I Shut Down Heffe Beer Garden During a Fundraiser for a Child Battling Epilepsy
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L&I Shut Down Heffe Beer Garden During a Fundraiser for a Child Battling Epilepsy
It wasn’t that long ago when we gave you guys the exclusive scoop on the grand opening of Heffe Beer Garden. However, it hasn’t been more than two weeks and the city officials bottled things up at Fishtown’s newest hotspot.
During what was suppose to be a positive occasion turned out to be a sad day in Fishtown. Organizers N.A. Poe put together a special charity event for “Tuffy,” a young girl suffering from severe epilepsy. Tuffy’s Fight, uses cannabis to fight severe epilepsy, however the event was cut short after L&I came in and crashed the party. Although the event was abruptly stopped by L&I, Tuffy’s Fight was still able to raise about $500 in the 2 short hours it ran.
Anthony Lolio who is Peter McAndrew’s partner at Heffe Taco has his own assumption on why he feels the city capped the night short. He recounted the night as such…
The event was scheduled from 7pm-12am on Friday evening. Around 9pm PHILADELPHIA L&I Department showed up asking for all license & permits on Heffe 1431 Frankford Ave. Heffe was in compliance with everything requested. Then the agent asked what was going on at 1414 &1416 Marlborough St. We explained that the was “private event” also known as a “beer garden” which was holding a fundraiser for “TUFFY” a child wild severe Epilepsy condition. Heffe produced all required permits & licenses that were secured in order for the event to be held. Unfortunately, L&I found one thing wrong. They stated that the parcels of land at 1414 1416 Marlborough St. were not “properly zoned” They made us shut down the event immediately.
No word yet from L&I regarding this manner. Heffe which opened last year to much fan fair has been a hit for foodies and most local residents. Peter McAndrew’s who also owns Paesano’s and Modo Mio is no stranger to the neighborhood, yet his partner suspects that this may be the works of neighbors fighting the massive transformation that Fishtown has been experiencing over the last several years. Anthony added..
It’s a gentrification battle with a select few. Many residents on the 1400 block of Marlborough Street were excited to have such a nice compliment to their street and we’re enjoying themselves at the “beer garden.” It’s unfortunate there is 1 or 2 neighbors on Marlborough Street that were happier when there was abandoned, over-grown & rat infested parcels of property at 1414-1416 Marlborough Street & 1431 Frankford Ave. Before Heffe called those properties home & revived that corner. The “beer garden” is a beautiful addition to the neighborhood & blossoming Frankford Ave. Heffe plans to appeal the decision of the L&I Department and hopes to re-open at 1414 & 1416 Marlborough Street next season. For the meantime, Heffe “beer garden” will now operate at 1431 Frankford Ave & will launch a Grand Re-opening.
This isn’t the first run in Heffe has witnessed in this feisty corner of Fishtown. Wooder Ice was one of the organizers of a proposed block party at that very same location when neighbors fought to have it canceled. It seems that a select few are fighting positive change rather than embracing it.
However, not all nearby residents are against this new wave of revitalization. Aaron Byles who resides across the street from Heffe on Frankford Ave. doesn’t understand the issues other neighbors are having with businesses moving in.
“It’s really a shame that some neighbors can’t embrace the exciting developments happening in the neighborhood. This corner was a ran down abandon shack for years. Over the past year I have watched the Heffe crew transform the corner into an exciting clean space for the neighborhood. The latest addition of the beer garden provided a great low-key spot for the neighborhood to hang out and socialize. I really hope that the Heffe crew and L&I can sort this out soon. Fishtown has a really unique vibe going, and it’s spots like this that make the neighborhood great.”