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We Sat Down With Twitter’s Marketing Lead and He Shared With Us a Few Pro Tips!

twitter marketing lead sean lauer


We Sat Down With Twitter’s Marketing Lead and He Shared With Us a Few Pro Tips!

We Sat Down With Twitter’s Marketing Lead and He Shared With Us a Few Pro Tips!

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We Sat Down With Twitter’s Marketing Lead and He Shared With Us a Few Pro Tips!

Recently Slice Communications hosted a social media day at  The National Museum of American Jewish History .  Experts from around the world spoke on panels and provide insider tips on navigating the digital world.  Sean Lauer who is the Marketing Lead for Twitter was one of those experts.

Twitter which is a major player in not only social media but news coverage in general has been flourishing due to its unique user capabilities and real time information.  Every news outlet in the world has a Twitter handle and it’s widely considered the front lines of breaking news.

It’s not only Twitter’s ability to share information that keeps it relevant but also the way it’s shared.  For example, Facebook and Instagram employs thousands of software engineers that have the ability to mimic features found on other apps  but they will never be able to duplicated Twitter’s platform especially to its current scale.

Sean Lauer further breaks down Twitter’s roll in today’s social media and content driven world in an exclusive interview with  Listen as he explains Twitter’s one-of-a-kind capabilities as well as what you can do to help boost your brand’s profile on Twitter.  Check it out!

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