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Meet WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley at the Las Vegas Lounge Thursday!

Local Scoop

Meet WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley at the Las Vegas Lounge Thursday!

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Come out and meet WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley at the Las Vegas Lounge (704 Chestnut St.) Thursday June 11th from 6 to 8 pm.

Known by most from the WWE (former WWF) days, Mick has made a legendary mark in the world of wrestling under several alias’ including Dude Love, Cactus Jack, and of course Mankind.  With a host of cameos in TV and movies including locally produced I Am Santa Claus, Mick is no stranger to stardom and has garnered millions of fans over his entertainment career.

Now thanks to the folks over at Las Vegas Lounge all Philly area fans will now get a chance to meet this legendary figure.  Tickets for Mick Foley’s meet and greet are available at the Las Vegas Lounge or you can purchase them online here.

Although many youngsters do look up to Mick Foley this event is strictly 21 and older.  The Las Vegas Lounge will be opened to the public but tickets are required for the meet and greet.  Those with tickets will have an opportunity for autographs, pictures as well as purchase merchandise.

For more information regarding tickets you can contact the Las Vegas Lounge at 215-592-9533.

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