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20 Awesome Christmas Hacks You Need to Know

Scoop of the Week

20 Awesome Christmas Hacks You Need to Know

20 Awesome Christmas Hacks You Need to Know


1. Use Shiny green tinsel to make your Christmas tree look fuller

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 2. Wrap Christmas lights around a hanger to keep them from getting tangled

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3. Turn gingerbread cookies into ornaments that will last for years with three coasts of varnish

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4. Use old saran wrap & aluminum foil containers to make boxes for gifting cookies

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 5. Make cool candy sleighs for cheap and easy gifts for friends or family

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 6. Use leftover  pumpkins  from Halloween to make snowmen

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 7.  Practice folding napkins into cool holiday shapes to add flare to your holiday dinners

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 8. Create awesome snowmen using pretzels, Fruit Roll-Ups, and frosting that will wow any guest

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9, Make cute “elf donuts” from Cheerios

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 10. Crushed-up candy canes goes with everything so use it freely

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 11. Branches from the Christmas tree can be used for holiday decor on any table

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 12. Glue candy canes together to create neat place card holders

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 13. Take advantage of your chandeliers by placing cool Christmas ornaments on them

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 14. Make decorating cookies and cakes easier by using condiment bottles to spread icing

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15. Add some pizzazz to presents by attaching ropes for handles

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16. Adding some green food coloring to to Rice Krispie  treats along with some M&Ms, creates cool Christmas desserts

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17. For a little healthier holiday treat create festive Christmas trees out of pita bread on pretzel sticks, topped with guacamole & tomato

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 18. Make a Grinch drink out of green sherbert and sprite for the kids

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 19. Win your next ugly Christmas sweater party contest using tinsel and gift bows

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20. Use old egg cartons to store Christmas ornaments

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