Wawa has been named the “Best Fast Food Restaurant in Pennsylvania”
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Wawa has been named the “Best Fast Food Restaurant in Pennsylvania”
It looks like not even Popeye’s chicken sandwich was able to detour Wawa from claiming another foodie award. It looks like Wawa is now the best regional fast food restaurant in Pennsylvania according to a recent article in Food and Wine Magazine.
Philadelphians have long since had a love affair with Wawa. However, in recent years there has been some grumblings regarding a decline in quality and costumer service. Nonetheless, Wawa took home the title Among the finalists were its rivals Sheets, Turkey Hill and GetGo. The article cites Wawa’s hoagies and coffee for putting them over the top. In case you were wondering, Jersey Mike’s took the honors in neighboring Jersey.
If you remember last year Market Force Information QSR Fast Casual Survey ranked Wawa the The Best Sandwich among quick service restaurants.