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Want to Get Your Pet Featured on Mural Arts’ Newest Mural at Morris Animal Refuge? Here’s How

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Want to Get Your Pet Featured on Mural Arts’ Newest Mural at Morris Animal Refuge? Here’s How

Want to Get Your Pet Featured on Mural Arts’ Newest Mural at Morris Animal Refuge? Here’s How

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Want to Get Your Pet Featured on Mural Arts’ Newest Mural at Morris Animal Refuge? Here’s How

Every fur mom and dad thinks they have the best looking pet.  Now here’s your chance to show the world just how adorable your pet really is.  Morris Animal Refuge is in the middle of their annual calendar contest and this year three of the winners will be eligible to have their pet painted by Mural Arts as part of Morris Animal Refuge’s mural expansion project.

To be apart of the contest pet owners must enter their pet’s picture along with a $15 fee (this fee will kick off your pet’s campaign as well). After submitting the photo you’ll have to campaign to have your pet featured on the calendar by having friends and family vote ($1 = 1 vote) Enter the contest here.

The 12 photos with the most votes will be featured in our 2022 calendar and will also receive a copy of the calendar. The top vote-getter will also be featured in the coveted spot on the cover of the calendar.

In addition the top 3 winners of the 2022 Calendar Contest will also be featured on the Morris Animal Refuge “Gimme Shelter” mural expansion, part of the Mural Arts Philadelphia Mural Mile South. The expansion will wrap around the building facing the street, and will be installed in 2022 by artist David Guin and Mural Arts Philadelphia. This is your chance for your best friend to be immortalized on an amazing piece of public art while supporting lifesaving work.

Last year this contest raised $19,779. This year, the goal is to raise $20,000 to help Morris Animal Refuge continue their efforts in finding homes for Philadelphia’s homeless animals and providing high-quality care for sheltered animals.

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