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Two Harvard Students Create Aerosol Can That Sprays Cake Batter
are both 20 year old Harvard students that would have no trouble finding an investor on Shark Tank. The now popular Juniors at Harvard, created what they call “Spray Cake.” essentially it is cake batter in a can. Their new invention started off as a class project and is now gaining national attention.
Spray Cake’s batter can make cupcakes in as little as 30 seconds in a microwave and full size cakes in about a minute. “Honestly, we were kind of shocked that it hadn’t been done before,” Nowakoski told the press in a recent interview. Yes, the fact that consumers obviously love cake definitely makes you wonder how this was never thought of before.
If you were wondering just how unhealthy the batter is both students have stated that the batter is organic and contains similar ingredients to the box cake variety. However it does not contain baking soda or baking powder because the whipped cream-style can allows it to rise.
In recent competition, spray cake won the Harvard Innovation Challenge as well as The Ad Club’s “Brand-a-thon.” The Spray Cake is now poised to make its debut on a super market shelf near you. John and Brooke have stated they already have a seller lined up and are now just looking for a local manufacturer.