The Neon Museum of Philadelphia is Hosting “Philadelphia: City of Breweries”
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The Neon Museum of Philadelphia is Hosting “Philadelphia: City of Breweries”
You may know of Philly’s Brewerytown – a neighborhood named after the extensive history of breweries in the area – but do you know just how deep the citywide beer history of Philadelphia runs? Well now you can explore Philly’s deep beer history with The Neon Musem of Philadelphia’s “Philadelphia: City of Breweries” exhibit. Its foam head is quite big and we invite you to dive into its frothy legacy with this special exhibition of Larry Handy’s amazing breweriana collection, which includes talks, videos, and of course beer.
In conjunction with Sor Ynez, Nextfab’s Mexican restaurant, the Museum will offer discounted beer specials for museum patrons. The exhibit will run from September 3rd- October 10th with tickets going for $10 a pop.
Foundation for Architecture